THE Gwanda Residents Association (GRA) has urged opposition party supporters to adopt new survival skills in light of the current food shortages and buy Zanu PF membership cards to save their skin and access government-sourced food aid.

GRA spokesperson, Bekezela Maduma Fuzwayo told Southern Eye that it was of no use for opposition members to continue crying foul and starving themselves to death over the alleged politicisation of food aid by ruling Zanu PF officials.

Fuzwayo said no sane woman could breastfeed her rival’s child.

“They (villagers) were told point blank that all MDC-T and MDC members would not be included in the list of beneficiaries and that they must go and ask for grain from their leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube’s wives because the grain due to come is from (First Lady) Grace Mugabe. No mother breast feeds a child from another woman,” he said.

“But honestly in this drought, how can a human being do this to another human being? What’s so important about being a Zanu PF member that has to reduce lives of other people to nothing?

“Naturally, we told them they must just go and get the Zanu PF cards, dance and sloganeer for the grain, but in the ballot box there is no grain.”
This comes amid reports several perceived MDC-T and MDC supporters were denied food aid in the Nkazhe area last week.

Zanu PF Matabeleland South provincial secretary, William Dhewa, was unreachable for comment.

Human rights watchdog, Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) has expressed concern over the politicisation of food aid, saying this was in violation of provisions of the national Constitution.

“It is actually the role of the government to protect and promote the rights of every citizen. As ZPP, we are saying this is what is happening in the communities and unless the government intervenes and follows up on this matter targeted people are really going to starve,” Jestina Mukoko, the ZPP director said in the organisations’ Friday report on food violations being recorded across the country.