GIVEWAY! Redken 'Color Rebel' Hair Makeup

'Color Rebel' Hair Makeup by Redken is a temporary hair colour or more accurately a hair paint that washes out after 2-3 washes and is meant for occasional use rather than frequent dying!
It's a handy way of getting bright funky hair without the commitment of the usual longer lasting hair dyes.
There are 5 colours in the range which are...

*Purple Riot
*Punked up Pink
*Gilty as Charged
*Red-y to Rock
*Rebel without a Coral

The Hair Makeup uses 'makeup technology' with direct colour pigments which are deposited onto the surface of the hair and are resistant to water and transfer from brushing, rubbing etc. The colour contains pearlescent pigments which gives it a multi-dimensional effect.

Me wearing 'Punked up Pink' !
It looks quite a deep reddish pink against my brunette hair.

How to apply;
1. Apply gloves! It suggests that you can also apply it without gloves as long as you wash your hands immediately afterwards but I found this a bit messy, so gloves it is!!!!
2. Make sure the sponge is in place on the nozzle, give the bottle a good shake and twist the base clock-wise to dispense the product.
3.Grab a section of hair and start to paint the colour on. It is suggested that you not brush your hair much after as it will break up the pigment but I had to brush my hair loads just to soften it and get a little manageability back to it. It really stiffens the hair and for this reason I would recommend it for up-do's or shorter funky haircuts. 
4. Use a hairdryer to quicken the setting time as it can take a wee while to dry.

As it states, it should wash out after 2 washes depending on how much you applied, but if you want it out pronto, you can use a hair oil to help dissolve the pigments before shampooing.


I have 5 full sets of the 'Color Rebels' to giveaway worth €105 each, one set each to 5 lucky winners, so if you'd like to get your hands on all of the hair makeups, just leave me a comment below telling me how you plan on wearing the 'Color Rebels' :)

Good luck!!
I will announce the 5 winners in a blog post this day next week; Sunday 8th March.
I will need to be able to contact the winners within a week of announcing them, so either attach your e-mail to your entry comment or MAKE SURE TO CHECK NEXT WEEKS POST if you'd rather not attach your e-mail so you know if you win!!!
