Harare Central Hospital internal security thwarted an attempt by staff to hold a peaceful demonstration to push for the resignation of the hospital’s CEO, Ms Peggy Zvavamwe.
Ms Zvavamwe is accused of freezing any form of procurement until US$88 000 is raised for the purchase of her new vehicle. A heavy security presence at one of the country's major referral hospitals saved from humiliation Ms Zvavamwe, who  allegedly prioritised the purchase of her poshy vehicle over human life after freezing the procurement of anything including drugs at the hospital.

 When the ZBC News crew visited Harare Central Hospital, unconfirmed reports said the Chairman and the Organising Secretary of the Harare Hospital Nurses Association branch, Lucas Sharara and one Mr Goko, had been picked up and detained by the hospital’s internal security.

 The hospitals’ Public Relations Manager, Mrs Philisia Mandeya refused to comment referring all the questions to the CEO who was said to be out of office. On Friday, the ZBC News reported that a payment of US$88359 had been made to CMED under a CBZ account number 02322454270019 and that the poshy black Jeep Cherokee vehicle had already been delivered.

The hospital is the worst affected in terms of drug shortages with patients being ordered to buy for themselves simple drugs such as pain killers and other sundries.