A 38-YEAR-OLD Zimbabwean based in Botswana offered a lift to a 20-year-old Bulilima woman and went on to rape her in a bushy area.

Mike Moyo was on his way from Madlambuzi area in Bulilima to Plumtree when he met the woman at around 5PM on December 27. On the way, he diverted from their route and parked in a bushy area before raping his passenger.

Moyo appeared before Plumtree magistrate, Livard Philemon, facing rape charges. He was remanded in custody to January 27. Prosecuting, Elisha Mazorodze said the woman was travelling alone when she flagged down Moyo in Madlambuzi area and requested a lift to Plumtree.

“On 27 December around 5PM, the woman was offered a lift from Madlambuzi area to Plumtree by Moyo. When they had travelled a distance, Moyo diverted from the road and entered a bushy area and locked the car doors.

“Moyo then ordered the woman to undress and threatened to stab her with a knife if she did not comply. He raped her once and then ordered her to get out of the car. He dumped her in the bush,” said Mazorodze.

He said the woman made her way to a nearby homestead and got help. The matter was reported to the police resulting in Moyo’s arrest.